Strategic AI Principles for the C-Suite

Sanjiv Singh | 02 Sep 2024
4 min. read

As you integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into your business, harnessing AI as a powerful accelerator lies in a well-crafted and executed AI strategy.

Forge Your Competitive Edge with AI

Your AI strategy comprises a coherent approach, logic and organising principles that guide integrating AI into your business. Equally crucial is defining what you won't do with AI, establishing clear boundaries around its scope.

Essentially, your AI strategy involves making informed choices, understanding trade-offs, and managing the consequences of those decisions.

AI as a technology excels at pursuing a differentiation strategy. Focus its implementation on operations to build unique competencies and capabilities that your rivals can't match.

Deploy AI In Promising Opportunities

AI can automate business tasks to enhance productivity, quality, or both.

Avoid applying AI to tasks where it yields minimal improvements, as depicted in the accompanying matrix.

Quality vs. Productivity

Quality-Focused Outcomes
  • Priority: Reduce errors, improve accuracy, increase operational consistency and predictability.
  • Application style: Augments human judgement and effort. Human involvement is required.
  • Error handling: Higher tolerance for errors with manageable consequences and time needed to make corrections.
  • Examples: Document analysis, content generation, customer service with natural language processing, tailored marketing content creation, enhanced data analysis for better decision-making.

Productivity-Focused Outcomes

  • Priority: Process tasks faster, complete more tasks per unit time, higher throughput.
  • Application style: Task automation with reduced need for human involvement.
  • Error handling: Lower tolerance for errors. The AI system must meet minimum accuracy thresholds. Efficient complementary procedures capture and correct errors.
  • Examples: Real-time marketing campaign analysis, in-the-moment sales offers, automated creative promotions with conversion monitoring; HR onboarding, training and compliance.
Combined Quality and Productivity
  • Priority: High-quality content generation with low error rate and high throughput.
  • Application style: High task automation and quality with minimal human involvement.
  • Error handling: Lower tolerance for errors. The AI system must meet minimum accuracy thresholds.
  • Examples: Personalised marketing campaigns at scale, predictive maintenance of machinery and equipment for higher operational reliability and less disruption.

Seven Principles for Effective AI Integration

Use these seven guiding principles as an overall approach for overcoming inherent challenges and developing coherent actions for your AI strategy.

1. Targeted Design

Employ AI for a single, specialised task in which it excels. Design its purpose using high-quality, unbiased data. Make it capable of learning and improving over time.

2. Action-Oriented Focus

Emphasise how management uses AI in decisions and actions that produce results, rather than the technical components or underlying mechanics.

3. Clear AI Role Definition

Choose the role of AI between augmentation and automation based on task requirements.

4. Robust Error Management

Develop an error handling strategy of error correction and error tolerance that aligns with task error tolerance threshold.

5. Performance Optimisation

Baseline AI performance with working designs prior to construction. Employ human supervision to monitor and optimise AI through continuous learning.

6. Expert Knowledge Integration

Incorporate tacit and experiential knowledge in AI design from diverse subject matter experts.

7. Transparent Decision Logic

Ensure AI decision-making processes are open and explainable in simple terms, linking to business goals and policies.

Charting Your AI Course

According to an early 2024 McKinsey survey, respondents predict that generative AI will lead to significant or disruptive change in their industries in the years ahead. Organisations are already reaping material benefits from generative AI, reporting both cost decreases and revenue jumps in business units deploying the technology.

Capitalise on the strengths of AI to differentiate your organisation in an increasingly AI-driven business landscape by following these principles and focusing on strategic deployments.

How we can help

Irada assists growth-minded companies develop and implement effective AI strategies. We combine the latest advancements in AI from the Applied AI Institute at Deakin University with our real-world implementation expertise to craft tailored and feasible AI strategies.

References, Resources, Readings

1.      McKinsey. The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value. (May 30, 2024)

The author wishes to thank Professor Rajesh Vasa, Head of Translation Research at the Applied AI Institute of Deakin University, for his inputs to this article.

Links to external websites were correct at the time of publishing. Irada is not responsible for the content of external websites.

The information in this article is general in nature. Your circumstances and needs may vary.

All rights reserved.

Sanjiv Singh
Sanjiv Singh

Sanjiv Singh is the founding director of Irada. He champions the application of AI in business operations and assists his clients succeed with it.

How we can help

Irada was founded to assist growth-minded organisations apply practical, aligned, and robust AI-infused solutions to business task automation. Get in touch at 1300 247 232 or